"Push the Box" is a classic puzzle game invented in Japan (also known as "Sokoban"). The objective of the game is to push boxes into their correct position. The simplicity and elegance of the rules have made the game one of the most popular logic games.The rules are simple. The boxes can only be pushed, never pulled, and only one box can be pushed at a time, never two or more.* Lots of levels to keep you busy when you need a break now and then.* Start easy and work your way up to harder levels.* Undo when you make a wrong move, useful for newbies.* Puzzling levels that challenges your brain muscles.Remember that boxes must be pushed and not pulled. Keep that in mind as you plan your strategy! ABOUTSokoban is a classic puzzle game invented in Japan. Sokoban means warehouse keeper in Japanese.GAMEPLAYThe objective of the game is to push boxes into their correct position in a crowded warehouse with a minimal number of pushes and moves.The simplicity and elegance of the rules have made Sokoban one of the most popular logic games.RULESThe rules are simple.The boxes can only be pushed, never pulled, and only one box can be pushed at a time, never two or more.CONTROLSYou move the player by swiping left, right up or down. Swipe and hold to continue moving in the same direction.UNDOYou can undo if you make a small misstake.RESTARTIf you have managed to get yourself into an unsolvable position, just press the restart button to try again.SOLUTION/HINTSHave you tried every possible move and still can not get passed this one level?Press the solution button to get a step by step solution of the current level.SCORINGYou get 500 point every time you start a new level, but lose 1 point for every move you make and another point when pushing a box.Your score will be added to you total score when you complete a level.Your best score will be submitted to the leaderboard.